
December 4, 2011

sotoylosophy #1

Siapa ya yang pernah bilang ke gue, "belajarlah dari kesalahan-kesalahan yang pernah kita lakukan , tapi lebih baik lagi kalau bisa belajar dari kesalahan orang lain tanpa perlu kita sendiri yang mengalaminya".

Ada lagi yang pernah gue denger, "mungkin satu-satunya cara untuk mengetahui sesuatu itu benar-benar salah atau tidak yaitu dengan melakukan kesalahan tersebut dulu"

Atau mungkin makhluk yang namanya manusia memang terlalu bebal. So they know what they're doing is a mistake yet they keep doing the same mistake. Padahal katanya merugi lah orang-orang seperti itu.

The biggest shit is, kadang-kadang yang namanya kesalahan itu relatif. Jadi bisa saja apa yang dilakukan orang lain itu benar tapi saat kita mau melakukan hal yang sama tapi situasinya beda, tiba-tiba hal yang benar tersebut jadi salah. Atau sesuatu yang seharusnya ga boleh dilakukan, tapi di situasi terdesak baik dengan pertimbangan moral ataupun murni refleks manusia, jadi boleh dilakukan.

It's all about asking your own conscience, and to pray hard that you still have it.

I pray that in any circumstances I've been or am or will be under, I still have it.

November 20, 2011

neither big nor small, simply love

reblogged from Paulo Coelho's blog:

"How can I know if my love is big enough?"

"Ask yourself if you give yourself fully or if you flee from your emotions, but do not ask yourself if your love is big enough, because love is neither big nor small, it is simply love. You cannot measure a feeling the way you measure a road. If you do that, you will start comparing your love with what others tell you of theirs or with your own expectations of love. That way, you will always be listening to some story, rather than pushing your emotions to their limits"

November 8, 2011

HIMYM thing

"You may think your only choice is to swallow your anger or to throw it on someone's face, but there's a third option. You can just let it go. And only when you do that is it really gone and you can move forward" - Ted Mosby

"The Cheerleader Effect is when a group of women seems hot, but only, as a group. Just like with cheerleaders. They seem hot, but take each one of them individually? Sled dogs." - Barney Stinson

you gotta love Ted and Barney

and btw, do not take this the wrong way. I'm not some kind of anti-cheerleader for quoting this. In fact, used to be one on junior high school. I just love Barney's outstanding theories.

October 8, 2011

Room #2

Found this among the old files in my external harddisk: the pictures of my old room in Bale Padjadjaran dormirtory. Started in 2008 when I first entered medical school, there's a new medical faculty regulation which require first year students to live in the new built dormitory for a year. Mine was room number 2 with Waafa from Malaysia as my roommate. It was a pleasant year back then, except at night I felt rather isolated because there's nowhere to buy food around the dorm after 10 PM. Nevertheless, I do miss my old room. Wonder who's the lucky owner now.

October 7, 2011

Quick Pick

There's this annoying feeling when you want or you feel like you need to post something on blog but you don't have any idea on what to post. I am currently on that state, at least for the past 20 minutes. Then I looked around my room and decided to pick some random things that catch my eyes. So basically this is a really unimportant post and me trying to practice my messy written english on a Friday night. Feel free to skip this if you want to.

1. Lelaki Tua dan Laut, the indonesian translation for Ernest Hemingway's novel The Old Man and The Sea. My 20th birthday present form Dinda. Always love the bright cover design. It's about an old Cuban fisherman struggling to prove himself that he's not a cursed fisherman. The story's about optimism, which is great. It's also written in perfect details so you can really picture what it's like to be a traditional fisherman. Anyway I haven't finish it. Actually there are plenty of books (real ones, not medical books) I haven't finish yet due to the minor thesis I'm working on.

2. Donny Dhirgantoro's second novel, 2. This is also a birthday present from my KKN friends (KKN means Kuliah Kerja Nyata, some kind like college student's community service). I love Donny Dhirgantoro's work. He really has his own style in writing, especially the theme about nationalism. This book is filled with brilliant quotes that makes you wanna highlight all of them right away. Yes, I haven't finish this one also. Blame the minor thesis.

3. How I Met Your Mother second season DVD. I have just became a HIMYM fan like two weeks ago, while this show has already reached its seventh season. I must admit, this sitcom got its own touch and it really captures me on the heart. Love the story, love the comedy, love the characters!

4. Scut Monkey Handbook: Clinician's Pocket Reference. Bought it last Monday on a medical books sale in my campus. Some friends recommended this to me and said it will help a lot on clerkship. Since I will be on clerkship like 5 months from now (hopefully), I decided to buy it. I bought this for Rp 100.000, usually it's about Rp 150.000.

5. Laura Vandini body lotion. My mother bought this from Vienna. Really love the pleasant scent and the slight shimmer on it.

Catch up later!

October 6, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

"You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life" 

RIP Steve Jobs
 Entrepreneur; Founder and CEO of Apple Inc.

October 4, 2011

wishy wish and the flashy thoughts

"Gue pengen eurotrip!"

Bahkan gue sendiri bosen mengatakan atau baca kalimat diatas (yet, i type it). Di satu sisi emang kepengen dari dulu tapi masih jadi angan-angan, sebagian karena tiba-tiba bulan agustus kemarin banyak banget kenalan gue disaat yang bersamaan melakukan eurotrip. Ada yang karena exchange, backpacking, ngunjungin keluarga and so on. Jadi aja gue nya yang mupeng trus berpikir kapan gue bisa gitu dan melihat-lihat jadwal wisuda sampai koas yang tampaknya gak memungkinkan buat kemana-mana. Jadi gue masih berdoa buat kesempatan dan rejeki untuk itu. Hiksss

Gue cerita ke Dinda tentang euro-dream ini suatu hari pas lab yang lagi ngatuk-ngantuknya. Entah kenapa gue senang menceritakan mimpi gue tentang travel, going abroad, & meeting people ke dia. That day, she gave me one of her coins and said something like, "Katanya Dik, kalo lo punya koin dari suatu negara, someday lo bakal mengunjungi negara itu. So, keep this". I know this sounds kinda superstitious, tapi gue anggap ini sebagai doa. And somehow the tiny coin made my mood that day :D hehe, thanks Dind! Koin itu tulisannya confederatio helvetica, which is the real name for Switzerland. Someday gue bakal napak disana, amiiiin.

January 21, 2011

Doutzen Kroes at Christian Dior Fall 2007 Couture

Not such a fashion-goer nor a fan of miss Kroes, but I love her look here!

Learn to Live With Wounds (written by Paulo Coelho)

This was reblogged from Mr. Coelho's blog. I do not own the original story :) 

During the Ice Age many animals died because of the cold. Seeing this situation, the porcupines decided to group together, so they wrapped up well and protected one another.

But they hurt one another with their thorns, and so then they decided to stay apart from one another.
They started to freeze to death again. So they had to make a choice: either they vanished from the face of the earth or they accepted their neighbor's thorns.

They wisely decided to stay together again. They learned to live with the small wounds that a very close relationship could cause, because the most important thing was the warmth given by the other.

And in the end they survived.

January 2, 2011

here we are, at the beginning

"One always has to know when a stage comes to an end. Stop being who you were, and start being who you are!" - Paulo Coelho

Let us rock this 2011. Happy New Year, fellas! :D