
January 30, 2010

create your own best moments!

So I watched 17 Again on DVD and I'm tellin' you, Zac Efron is just too good to be true here! I'm not a big fan of him but yes, he's H-O-T, enough said! Plus he proves that he's real actor here, a huge difference from his kinda-cheesy role in High School Musical (just an opinion, sorry for the HSM fans ;p). He's just, WOW, haha ok I'll stop before become too hyperbolic.

Anyway, that's not really the point (still, Zac Efron, WOW). I love movies with real life lesson, and this movie emphasized a problem which I think many people are facing: living in the past. For you comedy-romance buffs who haven't watched it and hate spoilers, I don't recommend you to read this post. So, go see for yourselves first then come back and we'll discuss about it! Oh yeah, this post was supposed to be published yesterday, but something wrong happened and then BAM! The draft's gone. Dammit. I have to start writing all over again, fine.

I'm not good at creating sentences like the ones you'll read on those self-help books. But I totally agree with the message the movie has brought and would like to share this from my point of view. Here's a dialogue between the older Mike (played by Matthew Perry) and the mysterious old janitor while Mike was looking at his old basketball team picture at his school corridor, the one with him as the team captain:

"Mike O'Donnell, high school star, never quite lived up to your potential. Sooner or later you'll all come back to the old school. Stand there and look at the picture of the glory days, wondering ‘what might have been’. Seems to me you guys are living in the past”, the janitor said.
“Well, of course I want to live in the past. It was better there”, Mike replied.

And here’s what Scarlet, Mike’s about-to-divorce wife, said when they argued about Scarlet’s plan to turn their yard into her landscape design showpiece:

“So I spent the last 18 years of my life listening to you whine about all the things you could’ve done without me and I have no right?”

Living in the past, praising the old glory days, longing to have them again, or maybe wished that you took a different path so your life would be much better than what you’re facing right now. “I’m extremely disappointed with my life”, Mike told Scarlet.

January 27, 2010


Exams over! Yeaaah!!

Ok gue ga akan bercerita panjang lebar tentang uas ini, gue cuma berharap hasil hari ini ga bikin gue remed ;( haha sooo let's just say I'm done with it and we'll leave it like that :p

Topik kali ini: Resolusi 2010. Telat? sebetulnya niat ngetik resolusi di blog udah ada pas taun baru, tapi tapiiii apa mau dikata berkat si uas bangsat ini gue baru sempat menuliskannya sekarang. Basi??? Hey, gue percaya yang namanya niat baik ga bakal pernah basi :D hahahaha yaga yaga? iya aja ya biar cepet

True, right?  "It's the thought that counts!", kata temen gue, Rajih, pas gue telat ngucapin selamat ulang tahun buat dia. Good deeds are never out of date, and my resolutions, InsyaAllah, are based on good deeds.

Nah, ga bakal basi tapi ga enak juga kalo ga dimulai-mulai, so here we go, resolusi gue untuk 2010 ini adddallaah *gaya fitrop*:
  1. Solat full 5 waktu. please yang ini mah kewajiban atuh neng -_- oke jadi bagi kalian yang membaca, tolong ingatkan saya ya kewajiban satu ini! thanksss
  2. Olahraga, oke biar ga muluk minimal 1 bulan sekali lah jogging. please banget yg ini juga ya Allah udah brapa kali ga kesampean. sekarang harus bisa ya! harus sehat! Inget tuh darah rendah ama badan udah kaya kantong sampah berkat babi-lifestyle (makan tidur makan tidur). hiksss
  3. Perbanyak senyum. Senyum itu ibadah, menyenangkan orang lain, bikin cantik dan awet muda. titik.
  4. Sebulan sekali minimal kontek 1 org temen/sodara yg lama ga dikontek. Lewat fb lah, msn, sms, hari gini banyak cara. Kurang bisa menjaga hubungan baik jarak jauh-jangka panjang sama orang lain adalah salah satu kekurangan gue yang wajib diperbaiki ;( Jadi, 2010, perbanyak sillaturrahmi !
  5. Lanjutkan belajar nyetir! Yes ujian kelar, ini ga ada halangan, semangaattt! :D
  6. Mikir sebelum ngomong, tapi jangan kelamaan juga mikirnya ampe ga jadi ngomong. Jadi latih omongan juga!
  7. Lebih kritis. Gimana caranya? Kata nyokap gue kurang kritis itu karena kurang memperhatikan sekitar dan kurang tanggap (maklum lemot). So, be more aware with your surroundings.
  8. Minimize your day-dreaming! Lebih 'jejek', sadari realita, tapi jangan berhenti bermimpi. Ada alasan kenapa blog ini gue beri judul "wake up and smell the cake!". Akan gue jelaskan lain waktu krn ada filosofinya tersendiri:)
  9. Try to speak and think more objective. Kenapa susah banget ya buat yg satu ini? Entah kenapa setiap berkomentar ujung"nya gue selalu subjektif, dan kalo ngomongin orang udah berasa jadi tim sukses kampanye org tsb. Well, mungkin ini bakal bisa kalo poin 6 dan 7 sudah dicapai ya. Ayo harus belajar objektif Dhik!
  10. Lebih friendly ke semua orang, lebih perhatian, belajar basa basi! Gue yakin ini bisa, yakin, amiiin:)
  11. Stop making faces! Sumpah ini kebiasaan jelek banget kalo lagi ngomong sama orang, harus dibenerin.
  12. Jadi pendengar yang baik. InsyaAllah di beberapa aspek ini udah terlaksana, tinggal ditingkatkan. Bantuin gue yaa:D
  13. Fokus! edan gue susah banget ama yg ini -__- fokus, inget tujuan, punya endurance yang baik.
  14. Fleksibel. Kunci untuk survive di dunia maha penuh gejolak ini. haha.
  15. Jangan cengeng! dan gue ngelanjutin nulis ini pas lagi nangis aja, shit. Belajar kendaliin emosi, jangan kayak anak kecil lagi. InsyaAllah bisa:)
  16. Lebih mandiri. Lesson of the day: Seberapapun bergantungnya lo sama orang lain, lo tetap harus tau proses, dan lo ga boleh menyerah sama keadaan. Hari ini gue dapet tamparan kenceng banget tentang ini.
  17. Struggle, ga boleh menyerah sama keadaan! Gue udah dijejelin banyak banget cerita orang" yang ga pernah nyerah, dan udah saatnya gue membuat cerita serupa milik gue sendiri. Folks, if you see me as I'm going to give up, please, warn me, remind me, slap me (pelan" tapi haha ;p), just tell me to pull myself together and go on, okay?!
  18. Hapalin rute jalan. Gue ga boleh buta jalan! Haha gila bahkan jakarta pun gue masih buta jalan (supermemalukan emang yg satu ini). Kalo buta jalan, bawa peta. Sering" baca peta, biar ilmu membaca peta yang pernah gue dapet ga ilang gitu aja. Kalo mau ke tempat baru, usaha cari alamat sendiri, tanya, google map, apalah. Inget poin 16 juga.
  19. Jangan malu (dan malu-maluin) sama yang lebih tua. Penyakit gue dari kecil, hffff. Harus berani, anggap temen, tapi jaga kesopanan. Eh tipsnya dong buat yg ini, anyone?
  20. Lebih rajin! Terutama belajar dan beresin kamar. Semester ini catetan gue harus rapi lagi kaya catetan pas smp.
  21. Lanjutin belajar gitarnya. Ini si kayaknya ga perlu resolusi haha.
  22. Yang ini udah termasuk di poin" atas, tapi kynya tetep perlu ditekankan. Lebih care sama orang lain, kurangi sikap sentralistik, nyadar kalo disekitar lo ada orang lain. Jadi, jaga omongan juga.
  23. Lebih care sama orang lain bukan berarti jadi berpatokan sama ekspektasi orang. Still, Be Yourself! Seklise apapun frase ini, ga akan pernah basi, karena ini kunci buat membentuk sebuah pribadi yang utuh.
Yakin, banyak banget yang harus diperbaiki dari gue untuk 2010 ini. Tapi daripada mikir panjang-panjang kayaknya mending gue mulai melakukan at least 23 poin diatas. When you think of something for too long, you'll end up losing it. Ah, gue lupa persisnya gimana kalimat indah yang pernah diucapkan sama Bruce Lee ini.

Never mind, I know what to do, and will do:)

Wish me the best luck,

January 22, 2010

bang toyib almost-to-be

"It's a funny thing about comin' home. Looks the same, smells the same, feels the same. You'll realize what's changed, is you"

-Benjamin Button

Saya kangen rumah ;(

January 21, 2010

Sekedar review, not so important

Pagi (atau siang) ini gue bangun, i mean baru bener" bangun mandi dll, jam 10.27. Thanks to last night's post-exam-begadang-mode-on, gue baru compos mentis jam segitu, haha. Anyway, sejam setelah bangun, gue diajak nonton Hari Untuk Amanda yang baru keluar di jatos (yap, Jatos) sama Dina, Ayu, dan Vintha. Merasa kamar udah beres, hafalan buat osce yaah, bisa lah ntar, akhirnya gue ikut nonton setelah Dina bilang review film tersebut bagus.
Gue lagi ga berniat bikin review panjang sih. Intinya, menurut gue kalimat paling pas buat film ini adalah 'unpredictably sweet and realistic'. Kata terakhir rasanya boleh digarisbawahi, but i won't say why, sama aja kayak ngasih spoiler. Oh iya, film ini tidak cheesy, itu yang paling gue suka. Realistis, tapi di satu sisi tetap manis dan bikin kita geli sendiri. Daan, yang lebih penting lagiii, Oka Antara looks so damn H-O-T here, hahahaha:)) Bukan cuma itu, menurut gue dia berhasil membuat karakternya terlihat charming, punya innerbold, and he totally stole the show. I think even without his good looks, his character is like some kind of guy you definitely will fall in love with. Fanny Fabriana juga terlihat oke disini, chemistry antara dia dan Oka Antara sangat pas, meskipun seperti kata gue diatas, peran utama yang harusnya milik dia seakan-akan 'dicolong' sama Oka. Film ini gue masukkan ke kategori DVD, yaitu film-film yang bagus tapi mendingan ditonton di DVD, kecuali bioskop terdekat dari rumah/kosan lo sejenis jatos yang harganya ga jauh beda sama DVD, bahahahaha ;p

Gue pengen ngetik sesuatu selain film ini tapi lupa total apaan, damn. Haha yaudahlah, next time folks, gomenasai for this really unimportant post.

Preambule, or whatever you call it

Hi there!

Okay, so this is my first ever post on my first ever blog. I'm currently dealing with the end 3rd semester exam bussiness, but thank dear God, the hardest part is sooo over. Fiuhh, I'm just so glad I lived through it. Later, I'll tell you why this once-in-6-months bussiness always turn my peaceful life into a bizzare-chaotic one.

Anyway, this blog idea have been inside my head since the last mid-semester exam. But this semester in my college life has been like the worst one, so I postpone my volition to create this blog. And now here it is, the actualization :D

The reason behind this blog writing is, basically, I love life-storytelling and often have some kind of weird thoughts about anything that just suddenly pop into my mind. So I think writing a blog seems like a good way to express it. 

Well, I don't have much to say for now. Besides, this is a preambule. I wouldn't dare to get you bored with the first words (and you might already get bored), so I guess that's it.

And hey, thanks for your visit time! Really appreciate it :)
