
December 12, 2010

saat marah, (selain istigfar) saya mengingat ini

"Seburuk-buruknya orang pasti punya sisi baik juga. Kalo ngga, ngga bakal ada yang mau berteman sama dia"

Kalimat ini diucapkan sama seorang sahabat gue pas SMP. Gue inget persis cara pengucapannya, kapan, dan mengapa dia mengucapkannya. Sampai sekarang gue udah kuliah pun, kalimat sederhana tapi sarat makna ini tetap gue jadikan salah satu pegangan hidup. And it helps, a lot! Thanks, my dear Audrey :)

"Jangan pernah men-judge seseorang cuma berdasarkan satu peristiwa"
Yang ini diucapkan sama temen kuliah gue, Au. Setuju banget. Kadang saking keselnya sama seseorang, kita lupa bahwa si orang ini mungkin sedang dipengaruhi faktor lain (contoh: nilainya jelek, berantem sama keluarga, pacar, atau hal lain yang bikin gampang naik darah). Kadang saking marahnya, kita jadi menutup hati terhadap orang tersebut, dan berpikir apa yang dia lakukan selalu jelek di mata kita. Dengan bersikap cupet, besar kemungkinan kita bakal kehilangan banyak pelajaran berharga yang bisa digali dari orang tersebut. Kesel boleh, tapi jangan lama-lama hehe. Saat kita marah selama 1 menit, maka kita telah melewatkan 60 detik kegembiraan yang tidak bisa didapat kembali (ini kalimat siapa sih pinjem ya haha).

December 3, 2010

kepincut NBL

Kira-kira dua minggu lalu, pas malam minggunya, gue berlima sama Diyang, Astri, Dilla, dan Au makan di Hanamasa. Keputusan yang cukup mahal (dan bikin nangis kalo liat dompet), tapi berhubung gue udah hampir 2 tahun ga makan disitu (terakhir makan pun ditraktir :p) dan kebetulan gue sama Dilla memang besoknya ada keperluan di Bandung, jadi berangkatlah gue bareng Dilla, Astri, Au dari Jatinangor.

Nah, singkat cerita kita berlima (tambah Diyang yang memang rumahnya di Bandung nyusul) akhirnya ngumpul di Hanamasa Dago sekitar magrib menuju isya. Kira-kira jam setengah 8an ato lebih, masuklah segerombolan pria berperawakan tinggi ke restoran ini. Tadinya gue pikir mereka semacam keluarga besar dengan gen tinggi yang sedang kumpul-kumpul di malam minggu, tapi jumlah mereka banyak banget dan setelah diperhatikan mukanya ga mirip satu sama lain. Dan ternyata, telisik punya telisik, mereka ini pemain NBL (National Basketball League) yang kebetulan seri 2 nya sedang digelar di GOR C-tra Arena, Bandung.

November 20, 2010

telat, telat, telat

Menengok ke belakang tanpa penyesalan. 

Sounds great. Tapi pelaksanaannya, susahnya minta ampun naudzubillah min dzalik. Pasti ada aja yang salah. Memang ga mungkin ga ada yang salah, tapi kalau kesalahannya itu-itu juga, gondok ga sih? Ngerasa bodoh ga sih?

To make mistakes is to be human. Tapi rasanya kesalahan gue sebagian besar diakibatkan ke-telatmikir-an alias ketelmian diri gue sendiri. Gue takut loh, jujur, sifat telmi ini bakal kebawa sampai tua nanti. Mending kalo cuma berakibat ke diri sendiri. Bayangin dong, kalo gue jadi dokter dalam keadaan gawat darurat dan sifat telmi ini masih nempel? Mau dibayar pake nyawa orang? The future freaks me out, really.

Ini abstrak ya. Gue juga bingung gimana menuliskannya.

Hmm, contoh deh. Gue seneng banget liat orang-orang yang gue sayangi sukses. I do, from the bottom of my heart. Dan mereka akan membuat gue berpikir, kenapa dulu gue ga melakukan hal yang sama? Atau, yang paling sering muncul di benak, "Kenapa baru sekarang gue punya mindset begini? Kenapa dulu cupet?". Perasaan kayak gini ga terjadi sekali doang loh pada gue, it happens all the time. SMP, SMA, kuliah, gue selalu merasakan yang sama pas flashback masa lalu. Lalu muncul pikiran, "ah shit, dulu gue bego banget ga ngambil ini, dulu gue cupu banget ga ngerti itu". 

It's just that, sometimes (many times) I'm too blind or perhaps too stupid to see a good chance. Gue jadi bingung, apa karena gue bergaul dengan orang-orang yang kurang berani atau malas untuk 'think-out-of-the-box'? Rasanya sangat tidak dewasa kalo gue menyalahkan pergaulan. Selama kita punya prinsip kuat, ga ada yang bakal bisa menjerumuskan kita.

Biasanya kalo gue nulis sesuatu itu ada kesimpulan berupa suatu kalimat atau paragraf yang membangun, yang menggambarkan solusi dari uneg-uneg gue. But frankly, right now even the slightest idea just seem all blur to me.

Haqqul yakin, 90% yang baca akan merasa tulisan gue abstrak, sebagian merasa gue galau, sebagian, yah mungkin ada yang merasa senasib?

Makin ga paham sama pikiran sendiri. Mungkin si otak memang harus istirahat biar ga makin telmi. Night all.

November 10, 2010

55 tahun yang lalu

"Merdeka atau Mati!"
- Bung Tomo, Surabaya, 10 November 1945 -

Selamat Hari Pahlawan Nasional :)

August 1, 2010

to kill a mockingbird, and to kill my time

"Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em. But remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird. Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their heart out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird"

Mockingbird is a kind of bird, which here is a metaphor for innocence. That innocent people are not supposed to pay for what they didn't do. Ever read To Kill A Mockingbird? Well, I highly recommend it. First, I reckon it as a story of a white child whose father's a lawyer who fight for black people rights, as my friend told me. As I began to read it, I got the idea that it is actually about a child whose father's a lawyer who defended an innocent man being accused as rapist. As I got deeper into the story, I realized the story was all about one thing that is, perhaps, so cliche but on the other hand so human: conscience. Anyway, beside the touching story, I find this book filled with great quotes that I decided to collect them while it's still fresh in my memory. And because I need something to kill my time in this long idle holiday. Pity. Wtvr.

"You never really understood a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" - Atticus Finch

July 31, 2010

the resilient parasite

"What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. Which is why I have to steal it"
- Cobb, Inception -

July 30, 2010

from geek to point man, still a geek

I do not own the images in this post

I'm sure almost, if not everyone agree that Inception is awesome, brilliant, and has probably one of the most genius storyline ever made in history. You gotta be insane enough to come up with such plot. I'm not gonna go blabbing about the story or behind-the-scene stuff because this movie is so huge that there's too much you can talk about and it won't fit in one post. So I'm gonna talk from my own perspective about one of many things that attracted me in this movie: Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

You don't hear me? Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Arthur. The Point Man. What about him? Well, it all started when I watched (500) Days of Summer for the first time, a couple days before I watched Inception. I loved it, it's a great, realistic love story, but I dislike the male protagonist, Tom Hansen, which is too stupid, spoiled, too skinny and geeky, which is portrayed by JGL. His portrayal was so great that he won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in Motion Picture Musical or Comedy for it, so great that when I remember him, I remember Tom Hansen, whom i despise for his stupidity in (500) Days of Summer. So when I read the A-list cast list of Inception, there I saw the name Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and I thought, "Oh, Tom Hansen, the skinny spoiled geek is there".

looks a bit like Heath Ledger, eh?
Then I saw Inception, and there's Arthur the point man. Well, at least he's a portrayal of a better side of Tom Hansen, the one that's pursuing his career as an architect and already moved on from Summer. Still too skinny, though. And he seemed to be bullied all the time by the gorgeous forger, Eames (portrayed by Tom Hardy). The scene flowed, and there it is. The hotel corridor fighting scene in Arthur's dream, the one with the zero gravity. In case you forget, Arthur is the host of the dream so he's in charge to prevent Fischer's subconscious army from interfering the team's job. So he finds himself fighting those subconscious protectors. In a zero gravity corridor. With some spiderman-crawling-jumping scene. Which is fascinating! I watched that fighting sequence in awe and there I fell in love instantly with Arthur. This is the point where Tom Hansen is all gone. You won't believe this is the man in (500) Days of Summer anymore. Still a geek, but the spiderman scene is  just wow! I guess I will have to thank Tom Hansen, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't notice Arthur and his spiderman-jumping scene :p

I find plenty of Tom Hansen's pictures but it's bloody hard to find Arthur's and I'm still working on it. I'll add more pictures soon as I find a good one. And you can find many resemblance of him and Heath Ledger. Reckon he can be the next Batman villain? The Riddler, perhaps? We'll see, with so many proof of being a great actor he sure will find a way.
Tom Hansen, the skinny geek
with Zooey Deschanel as Summer

I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker

Sandi Thom is officially my favorite female singer! In case you didn't know her, here's a brief  introduction: She's a Scottish singer-songwriter with huge folk influence. She already had 3 albums, Smile... It Confuses People (2006), The Pink & The Lily (2008), and Merchant and Thieves which has been released in May 2010. Beside her beautiful voice, vocal technique, and music arrangements, for me the most lovable thing about her is her cute, smart song lyrics. Perhaps I'm saying this because I'm such a word-lover. Nevertheless, I'm quite sure if you take time to listen carefully to the lyrics you'll agree with me, despite the fact that her songs didn't really hit the chart. For example, her first single, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker has the best lyrics, I think. It's not deeply moving or sad or heartthrob-ing, none of that. But I find the lyrics are cute, smart, honest, with attractive sentences. The song speaks about the longing for originality, the era where technology was not the boss. Well, let's not be hypocrite, we all love and can't live without technology but above all I'm sure we do miss the things such as genuineness, privacy, the time when information cannot just be determined by some status updates. You don't? Be my guess. I still recommend Sandi Thom to you anyway. Take a look at her lovely lyrics here. 

Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In '77 and '69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late into a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

When the head of state didn't play guitar
Not everybody drove a car
When music really mattered and when radio was king
When accountants didn't have control
And the media couldn't buy your soul
And computers were still scary and we didn't know everything

Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In '77 and '69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late into a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

When pop stars still remained a myth
And ignorance could still be bliss
And when god saved the queen she turned a whiter shade of pale
My mom and dad were in their teens
And anarchy was still a dream
And the only way to stay in touch was a letter in the mail

Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In '77 and '69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late into a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

When record shops were still on top
And vinyl was all that they stocked
And the super info highway was still drifting out in space
Kids were wearing hand me downs
And playing games meant kick around
And footballers still had long hair and dirt across their face

There's still plenty of lovable song of hers. Check out Beatbox, What If I'm Right, Sunset Borderline, and Success's Ladder. You'll love the cute folk tunes. Enjoy!

July 19, 2010

the red ambience: España Campeónes del Mundo!

For some people, probably the world cup atmosphere has started to diminish. Or it's not even there anymore. Hell yeah, it's been a week but me myself just can't get enough of shouting it, SPAIN IS THE WORLD CUP 2010 CHAMPION, PEOPLE! This world cup is almost perfecto. From the host, venue, closing ceremony, music, and of course, they had the best champion! :') I smiled to myself for days since La Roja lifted the prestigious cup. I've been in love with them for like 6 years and now they've won 2 consecutive prestigious cups: 2008 Euro and 2010 World Cup, and they got the Fair Play Award. and captain Iker Casillas won the Golden Glove! What more can you ask for? :) They are so worth it. They got skills, teamwork, determination, (off the record: looks ;p) and most important: they never leave their own style. The tiqui taca, they played both beautiful and effective style of football. This is something you know you'll definitely appreciate, especially if you're a real football junkie.

Well, I'm happy for the boys out there and feel sad at the same time because it means the world cup ends and I have to wait 2 years to see them all-together on pitch again. And it's not gonna be the same, obviously some of them will retire from national team 2 years from now. Nevertheless, I will always have faith on them, there's always gonna be new kids on the block ready to make a breakthrough. So, can't wait for your next beautiful surprises, spain! Once again: Enhorabuena, Campeónes del Mundo. ¡Viva la España! :D

By the way, if you are loving La Furia Roja so much or you don't really love them but wanna get to know them or you don't have any interest in Spain or football but just wanna feast your eyes with some great-looking Spaniard boys, i really recommend this blog to you. Well-written, well-updated. Trust me, it's the best football blog I've ever seen. There's also this great video made by Cuatro (Spanish TV channel) about the sweet unforgettable moments in Soccer City.

I'm totally out of words. July 12th 2010 is all about happy tears for me :') (and Casillas, obviously)

P.S.: I do not own these images

Andres Iniesta, the man that ended our 116 minutes of suffering

July 8, 2010

you deserve it, Rojas!

Another history's written. La Furia Roja for their first world cup final, people! They beat the German panzer by one goal, it's always ONE goal needed to beat the Germans (remember the euro 2008 final?). Thanks to Carles Puyol's one sudden beautiful headshot, and he's a defender not to mention, the goal belongs to a defender! We love you Puyii! :* Oh I'm so proud of Spain they played just wonderful. In fact, both teams played wonderful, solid Germans and beautiful Spanish. And no cards! This is the most clean, pure technique, high-class football match in the WC 2010, I think. I've been in love with Spain national team since I was in junior high and I'm just soo happy for them :) :) :)

Here's some celebration pics. I do not own these pics btw ;)

Enhorabuena, chicos, you guys deserve it! :D

July 7, 2010

Inglourious Basterds' ladies

I'm not feeling like making a review. All I can say that this is one of the most comical and quirkiest (hell yeah, this is Tarantino's) war movie, nazi movie to be exact, I've ever seen. It's brutal, weird, witty, irrelevant with history, but this is the first nazi movie where I actually enjoyed and laugh at some scene. What I love the most about this movie is the strong women characters. And they have a good fashion sense! Bravo for the costume department. First place is Shoshanna Dreyfus, the young Jewish survivor portrayed by Mélanie Laurent, a French actress. Second is Bridget von Hammersmark, the German actress/double-agent. Frau von Hammersmark is portrayed by Diane Kruger, whom we know as Helen of Troy (Troy, 2004). I think Laurent and Kruger did a great job at portraying these characters.

Here is Shoshanna Dreyfus. The beret always looks good on her. And the sexy red dress is sooo memorable!

And here's Bridget von Hammersmark. It's Helen of Troy, people, nuff said.

P.S.: I do not own these images ;)

February 20, 2010

think, pray, choose

I hate to choose, but life's most beneficial position is when one is able to choose his/her own destiny, before being chosen by fate

Memilih. Pilihan. Opsi. Gue baru saja berhadapan dengan oknum-oknum ini, dan sungguh mereka lawan yang menyebalkan. Selamat tinggal dunia damai tenang dan minim beban pikiran, mungkin itu kalimat yang pantas diucapkan saat konfrontasi dengan mereka. Lalu ditengah panik akan arus kehidupan yang berubah total, gue dihadapkan pada realita pahit: sometimes you can't have it all. Yang paling menyebalkan, mereka nyaris sukses mengganggu ritme circadian gue, yang memang sudah kalong dan makin rusak dihantam ujian semester kemarin. Jadi, general condition: sudah insomnia. Precipitating factor: harus segera membuat keputusan yang mau tidak mau memaksa kawanan sinaps di otak untuk aktif. Final diagnosis: insomnia superimposed by psychological stress due to huge decision making.

Gue dihadapkan pada 2 pilihan. Well, sebenarnya 2 pilihan ini masih bisa dimodifikasi. But let me just give you the big picture, pilih antara kedua ini: 
  1. Sesuatu yang belum terlalu gue sayangi, tapi sudah ada didepan mata, sudah pasti, sudah gue genggam dengan porsi tanggung jawab cukup besar, dan mulai gue nikmati, atau
  2. Sesuatu yang belum pasti, (orang bilang) penuh risiko untuk berhenti ditengah jika gue tidak kuat mental, tapi sudah lama gue nantikan, selama itu pula gue merelakan banyak hal demi menyambutnya, dan ia akan datang dalam waktu dekat ini.
Orang tua gue pernah bilang, posisi paling menguntungkan dalam hidup adalah saat kamu bisa memilih keadaan, bukan dipilih oleh keadaan, maka posisikanlah diri kamu sebagai pemilih. Jadi, seharusnya gue bersyukur dengan posisi ini. Untuk itu, alhamdulillah :)
Nomor 1, nyaman sudah gue dengan dia, semua seperti sudah menjanjikan, dia penuh dengan orang-orang yang gue percaya dan sayangi. No. 1 menawarkan posisi dimana gue bisa banyak belajar, namun dengan beban tanggung jawab yang tidak sedikit. Baru dua minggu mengisi posisi baru di no. 1 ini, meskipun belum resmi, tapi gue sudah menikmati. Ini hal baru dan gue merasa wawasan perlahan tapi pasti terbuka. Kebanyakan menambah stress, but I enjoy every single process.   

Nomor 2, sesuatu yang banyak terbukti berprospek bagus, masih misterius buat gue, tapi menggugah. Menggugah bahkan sejak gue belum punya nomor pokok mahasiswa. Gue relakan tidak ikut ini-itu, gue minimalisir semuanya demi no. 2. Amat bertolak belakang dengan sifat gue yang senang mencoba. Tahan, untuk no. 2, itu yang gue lakukan 1 tahun ini.   
Sekarang, saat no. 2 yang lama dinantikan datang, gue terdiam sesaat. Gue diminta memilih, karena no. 2  yang katanya teramat menguras tenaga dan waktu. Hening. Kenapa tiba" beku begini? Blank, begitu tidak berkutiknya gue dihadapan kedua kandidat. Gue sayang no. 1, semangat dan siap menyambut no. 2, tapi takut aji mumpung, takut kehilangan dua-duanya, logika pun menolak mentah". Mulai tercetus, siapa si no. 2 ini, lancang betul bikin hidup gue ketar-ketir. Gue benci memilih. Pikiran dan air mata puas terkuras 2 hari ini. Gue bingung. Bingung maksimal.

February 3, 2010

live like we're dying lyrics

originally by The Script, covered by Kris Allen, love 'em!

sometimes we fall down and can't get back up
we're hiding behind skin that's too tough
how come we don't say 'I love you' enough
till it's too late, it's not too late

our hearts are hungry for the food that won't come
we could make a feast from these crumbs
and we're all staring down the barrel of a gun
so if you're life flashed before you
what would you wish you would've done

yeah, gotta start
lookin' at the hand of the time we've been given here
this is all we got and we gotta start pickin' it
every second counts on a clock that's tickin'
gotta live like we're dying

we only got
eighty six four hundred seconds in a day to
turn it all around or throw it all away
gotta tell them that we love 'em
while we got the chance to say
gotta live like we're dying

and if your plane fell out of the skies
who would you call with your last goodbye?
should be so careful who we let fall out our lives
so when we long for absolution
there'll be no one on the line

we never know a good thing till it's gone
you never see a crash till it's head on
all those people right when we're dead wrong
you never know a good thing till it's gone

January 30, 2010

create your own best moments!

So I watched 17 Again on DVD and I'm tellin' you, Zac Efron is just too good to be true here! I'm not a big fan of him but yes, he's H-O-T, enough said! Plus he proves that he's real actor here, a huge difference from his kinda-cheesy role in High School Musical (just an opinion, sorry for the HSM fans ;p). He's just, WOW, haha ok I'll stop before become too hyperbolic.

Anyway, that's not really the point (still, Zac Efron, WOW). I love movies with real life lesson, and this movie emphasized a problem which I think many people are facing: living in the past. For you comedy-romance buffs who haven't watched it and hate spoilers, I don't recommend you to read this post. So, go see for yourselves first then come back and we'll discuss about it! Oh yeah, this post was supposed to be published yesterday, but something wrong happened and then BAM! The draft's gone. Dammit. I have to start writing all over again, fine.

I'm not good at creating sentences like the ones you'll read on those self-help books. But I totally agree with the message the movie has brought and would like to share this from my point of view. Here's a dialogue between the older Mike (played by Matthew Perry) and the mysterious old janitor while Mike was looking at his old basketball team picture at his school corridor, the one with him as the team captain:

"Mike O'Donnell, high school star, never quite lived up to your potential. Sooner or later you'll all come back to the old school. Stand there and look at the picture of the glory days, wondering ‘what might have been’. Seems to me you guys are living in the past”, the janitor said.
“Well, of course I want to live in the past. It was better there”, Mike replied.

And here’s what Scarlet, Mike’s about-to-divorce wife, said when they argued about Scarlet’s plan to turn their yard into her landscape design showpiece:

“So I spent the last 18 years of my life listening to you whine about all the things you could’ve done without me and I have no right?”

Living in the past, praising the old glory days, longing to have them again, or maybe wished that you took a different path so your life would be much better than what you’re facing right now. “I’m extremely disappointed with my life”, Mike told Scarlet.

January 27, 2010


Exams over! Yeaaah!!

Ok gue ga akan bercerita panjang lebar tentang uas ini, gue cuma berharap hasil hari ini ga bikin gue remed ;( haha sooo let's just say I'm done with it and we'll leave it like that :p

Topik kali ini: Resolusi 2010. Telat? sebetulnya niat ngetik resolusi di blog udah ada pas taun baru, tapi tapiiii apa mau dikata berkat si uas bangsat ini gue baru sempat menuliskannya sekarang. Basi??? Hey, gue percaya yang namanya niat baik ga bakal pernah basi :D hahahaha yaga yaga? iya aja ya biar cepet

True, right?  "It's the thought that counts!", kata temen gue, Rajih, pas gue telat ngucapin selamat ulang tahun buat dia. Good deeds are never out of date, and my resolutions, InsyaAllah, are based on good deeds.

Nah, ga bakal basi tapi ga enak juga kalo ga dimulai-mulai, so here we go, resolusi gue untuk 2010 ini adddallaah *gaya fitrop*:
  1. Solat full 5 waktu. please yang ini mah kewajiban atuh neng -_- oke jadi bagi kalian yang membaca, tolong ingatkan saya ya kewajiban satu ini! thanksss
  2. Olahraga, oke biar ga muluk minimal 1 bulan sekali lah jogging. please banget yg ini juga ya Allah udah brapa kali ga kesampean. sekarang harus bisa ya! harus sehat! Inget tuh darah rendah ama badan udah kaya kantong sampah berkat babi-lifestyle (makan tidur makan tidur). hiksss
  3. Perbanyak senyum. Senyum itu ibadah, menyenangkan orang lain, bikin cantik dan awet muda. titik.
  4. Sebulan sekali minimal kontek 1 org temen/sodara yg lama ga dikontek. Lewat fb lah, msn, sms, hari gini banyak cara. Kurang bisa menjaga hubungan baik jarak jauh-jangka panjang sama orang lain adalah salah satu kekurangan gue yang wajib diperbaiki ;( Jadi, 2010, perbanyak sillaturrahmi !
  5. Lanjutkan belajar nyetir! Yes ujian kelar, ini ga ada halangan, semangaattt! :D
  6. Mikir sebelum ngomong, tapi jangan kelamaan juga mikirnya ampe ga jadi ngomong. Jadi latih omongan juga!
  7. Lebih kritis. Gimana caranya? Kata nyokap gue kurang kritis itu karena kurang memperhatikan sekitar dan kurang tanggap (maklum lemot). So, be more aware with your surroundings.
  8. Minimize your day-dreaming! Lebih 'jejek', sadari realita, tapi jangan berhenti bermimpi. Ada alasan kenapa blog ini gue beri judul "wake up and smell the cake!". Akan gue jelaskan lain waktu krn ada filosofinya tersendiri:)
  9. Try to speak and think more objective. Kenapa susah banget ya buat yg satu ini? Entah kenapa setiap berkomentar ujung"nya gue selalu subjektif, dan kalo ngomongin orang udah berasa jadi tim sukses kampanye org tsb. Well, mungkin ini bakal bisa kalo poin 6 dan 7 sudah dicapai ya. Ayo harus belajar objektif Dhik!
  10. Lebih friendly ke semua orang, lebih perhatian, belajar basa basi! Gue yakin ini bisa, yakin, amiiin:)
  11. Stop making faces! Sumpah ini kebiasaan jelek banget kalo lagi ngomong sama orang, harus dibenerin.
  12. Jadi pendengar yang baik. InsyaAllah di beberapa aspek ini udah terlaksana, tinggal ditingkatkan. Bantuin gue yaa:D
  13. Fokus! edan gue susah banget ama yg ini -__- fokus, inget tujuan, punya endurance yang baik.
  14. Fleksibel. Kunci untuk survive di dunia maha penuh gejolak ini. haha.
  15. Jangan cengeng! dan gue ngelanjutin nulis ini pas lagi nangis aja, shit. Belajar kendaliin emosi, jangan kayak anak kecil lagi. InsyaAllah bisa:)
  16. Lebih mandiri. Lesson of the day: Seberapapun bergantungnya lo sama orang lain, lo tetap harus tau proses, dan lo ga boleh menyerah sama keadaan. Hari ini gue dapet tamparan kenceng banget tentang ini.
  17. Struggle, ga boleh menyerah sama keadaan! Gue udah dijejelin banyak banget cerita orang" yang ga pernah nyerah, dan udah saatnya gue membuat cerita serupa milik gue sendiri. Folks, if you see me as I'm going to give up, please, warn me, remind me, slap me (pelan" tapi haha ;p), just tell me to pull myself together and go on, okay?!
  18. Hapalin rute jalan. Gue ga boleh buta jalan! Haha gila bahkan jakarta pun gue masih buta jalan (supermemalukan emang yg satu ini). Kalo buta jalan, bawa peta. Sering" baca peta, biar ilmu membaca peta yang pernah gue dapet ga ilang gitu aja. Kalo mau ke tempat baru, usaha cari alamat sendiri, tanya, google map, apalah. Inget poin 16 juga.
  19. Jangan malu (dan malu-maluin) sama yang lebih tua. Penyakit gue dari kecil, hffff. Harus berani, anggap temen, tapi jaga kesopanan. Eh tipsnya dong buat yg ini, anyone?
  20. Lebih rajin! Terutama belajar dan beresin kamar. Semester ini catetan gue harus rapi lagi kaya catetan pas smp.
  21. Lanjutin belajar gitarnya. Ini si kayaknya ga perlu resolusi haha.
  22. Yang ini udah termasuk di poin" atas, tapi kynya tetep perlu ditekankan. Lebih care sama orang lain, kurangi sikap sentralistik, nyadar kalo disekitar lo ada orang lain. Jadi, jaga omongan juga.
  23. Lebih care sama orang lain bukan berarti jadi berpatokan sama ekspektasi orang. Still, Be Yourself! Seklise apapun frase ini, ga akan pernah basi, karena ini kunci buat membentuk sebuah pribadi yang utuh.
Yakin, banyak banget yang harus diperbaiki dari gue untuk 2010 ini. Tapi daripada mikir panjang-panjang kayaknya mending gue mulai melakukan at least 23 poin diatas. When you think of something for too long, you'll end up losing it. Ah, gue lupa persisnya gimana kalimat indah yang pernah diucapkan sama Bruce Lee ini.

Never mind, I know what to do, and will do:)

Wish me the best luck,

January 22, 2010

bang toyib almost-to-be

"It's a funny thing about comin' home. Looks the same, smells the same, feels the same. You'll realize what's changed, is you"

-Benjamin Button

Saya kangen rumah ;(

January 21, 2010

Sekedar review, not so important

Pagi (atau siang) ini gue bangun, i mean baru bener" bangun mandi dll, jam 10.27. Thanks to last night's post-exam-begadang-mode-on, gue baru compos mentis jam segitu, haha. Anyway, sejam setelah bangun, gue diajak nonton Hari Untuk Amanda yang baru keluar di jatos (yap, Jatos) sama Dina, Ayu, dan Vintha. Merasa kamar udah beres, hafalan buat osce yaah, bisa lah ntar, akhirnya gue ikut nonton setelah Dina bilang review film tersebut bagus.
Gue lagi ga berniat bikin review panjang sih. Intinya, menurut gue kalimat paling pas buat film ini adalah 'unpredictably sweet and realistic'. Kata terakhir rasanya boleh digarisbawahi, but i won't say why, sama aja kayak ngasih spoiler. Oh iya, film ini tidak cheesy, itu yang paling gue suka. Realistis, tapi di satu sisi tetap manis dan bikin kita geli sendiri. Daan, yang lebih penting lagiii, Oka Antara looks so damn H-O-T here, hahahaha:)) Bukan cuma itu, menurut gue dia berhasil membuat karakternya terlihat charming, punya innerbold, and he totally stole the show. I think even without his good looks, his character is like some kind of guy you definitely will fall in love with. Fanny Fabriana juga terlihat oke disini, chemistry antara dia dan Oka Antara sangat pas, meskipun seperti kata gue diatas, peran utama yang harusnya milik dia seakan-akan 'dicolong' sama Oka. Film ini gue masukkan ke kategori DVD, yaitu film-film yang bagus tapi mendingan ditonton di DVD, kecuali bioskop terdekat dari rumah/kosan lo sejenis jatos yang harganya ga jauh beda sama DVD, bahahahaha ;p

Gue pengen ngetik sesuatu selain film ini tapi lupa total apaan, damn. Haha yaudahlah, next time folks, gomenasai for this really unimportant post.

Preambule, or whatever you call it

Hi there!

Okay, so this is my first ever post on my first ever blog. I'm currently dealing with the end 3rd semester exam bussiness, but thank dear God, the hardest part is sooo over. Fiuhh, I'm just so glad I lived through it. Later, I'll tell you why this once-in-6-months bussiness always turn my peaceful life into a bizzare-chaotic one.

Anyway, this blog idea have been inside my head since the last mid-semester exam. But this semester in my college life has been like the worst one, so I postpone my volition to create this blog. And now here it is, the actualization :D

The reason behind this blog writing is, basically, I love life-storytelling and often have some kind of weird thoughts about anything that just suddenly pop into my mind. So I think writing a blog seems like a good way to express it. 

Well, I don't have much to say for now. Besides, this is a preambule. I wouldn't dare to get you bored with the first words (and you might already get bored), so I guess that's it.

And hey, thanks for your visit time! Really appreciate it :)
